IMG_1523Today’s world is facing a host of social challenges and problems that simply cannot be ignored. As students, we are aware that we must not be passive observers of what is happening around us, but we need to use our energy and ideas to improve the quality of life in our community. Social issues such as unemployment, poverty, a gap between the rich and the poor cannot be fully addressed without the cooperation of all stakeholders. Furthermore, young people should be the initiators of positive social changes and equal participants in solving problems in their community. One of the major social problems faced by almost all countries is the insufficient inclusion of people with certain behavioral disorders, and the same applies to Croatia. The awareness of this problem prompted us to launch a business venture that would contribute to the inclusion of such persons, but also address other important challenges such as ecological disposal of used furniture and prolonging its life. People with certain behavioral disorders are often younger, so we believe that this proposed venture recognizes their needs and provides activities that are aimed at solving their problems.

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